We have to learn from our failures

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I'm going back to when you're a baby, an infant, no one expects you to stand up and start running around the room.

No. Like you're swaddled, you're handled with care, rolling around on the floor and then you start pulling yourself up and army crawling and then all of a sudden you figure out your legs work and you fall and you get back up and you fall. And that's, and everybody expects that and looks at it and says, this is how it works.

But then we get older and we're scared to do that. Why? It's the same mentality. We're just doing more, I don't wanna say more important things, but we're just doing other things that for whatever reason we have it built up that we can't screw this up to where I say, let me screw this up and see what it feels like.

And then I can learn from, okay, that doesn't work. Now I can try this. If you don't approach things with that mindset, it's a shame that we develop that type of attitude and that type of mindset as we get older because we cost ourselves opportunities cuz we won't even try.


A lot of people get thrown off by not being perfect from the start


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