It takes 2 minutes to fast track culture in an organization

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If you've got 2000 people under you, you go home and you're like, fuck! Get me that fucking bottle of wine now right? But also at the same time as there being this massive responsibility, it's a massive opportunity, and some great leaders that I've come across who have that many people under them, they are so clever with just a little investment of their time, skipping all of the levels in an organizational chart. So it's worth it's weight in gold. If you pick up the phone and you call someone on the frontline who you've never met, but you heard through the grapevine that they had a win, and you pick up the phone and you ring them and you go, Hey, it's Jem here, I know we haven't met, but I heard about that win you had last week, and I just wanted to acknowledge you for it and say that's awesome.

And you hang up the phone. That two minutes is worth its weight in gold. You know that person's gonna tell everyone.


We have to learn from our failures


It’s about time to move from managing to leading