110 - What if you are to early?

Explore the benefits of being ahead of the curve in the latest podcast episode, 'What if you are too early?' Understand how to leverage being early to trends for future success. 


What if you are to early?


Embracing the Edge: The Advantage of Being Early

In "What if you are too early?" a compelling episode of The Daily Hint, host Jens Heitland explores the intriguing concept of being ahead of the time in technology, trends, and personal development. This episode challenges the notion that being early is a disadvantage, proposing instead that it positions individuals to lead when others finally catch on.

The Early Bird's Perspective

Jens shares personal anecdotes and observations from his 20-year career, noting how companies and individuals often find themselves ahead of their time with innovations that the market isn't ready for. He reflects on the frustration and potential seen in these scenarios, emphasizing the importance of persistence and vision.

The Benefits of Pioneering

Being early, as Jens discusses, allows for significant shaping of emerging trends and technologies before they become mainstream. It offers a unique opportunity to fine-tune ideas and approaches without the pressure of a crowded market. Listeners are encouraged to see the value in leading 

developments rather than following established paths.

Strategic Patience and Positioning

The key takeaway from Jens's discussion is the strategic advantage of patience and persistence. For those who find themselves ahead of the curve, he advises continued innovation and preparation. When the majority begins to catch up, early innovators are already well-positioned as leaders and experts, having refined their methods and messages.

Cultivating a Trendsetter Mindset

For listeners wondering how to capitalize on being early, Jens suggests:

Embrace your unique insights and continue to develop them independently of current trends.

Network with like-minded pioneers to share ideas and support.

Prepare to educate and lead as your concepts gain traction.

Leading from the Front

"What if you are too early?" isn't just a question—it's a prompt to reflect on the potential to influence future norms and lead sectors. This episode of The Daily Hint is a call to all innovators and thinkers who find themselves ahead of their time, encouraging them to persist and prepare for the moment the world catches up to their vision.

Catch this inspiring episode to discover how being early can be your greatest asset in navigating and shaping the future.


00:00 Embracing the Early Bird Mentality

00:37 People jump from trend to trend

Links :


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Leadership Skills Assessment: https://www.wearesucceed.com/


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Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/7H0GWMGVALyXnnmstYA1NL


Subscribe and Listen to The Daily Hint with Jens Heitland Podcast HERE: 

YT: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2tLdutVh6b6nCBgWQ817eQ

Web: https://www.jensheitland.com/the-daily-hint

Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-daily-hint-with-jens-heitland/id1722930497

Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4T02uYPvcOrajPC6FgH64r?si=8aab1e7683204160&nd=1&dlsi=0f69c72af017454a

AI Transcript:

Sometimes we're the early bird. We're too early for a lot of things that are happening.  I have seen this over the last 20 years with different technologies where companies and or people have been so early that it was too early. And that is also sometimes for us as individuals.

 Sometimes we're so early on a trend or in our thought process that it is good to keep on doing that because the majority will catch up one day and then you are at the forefront of the new trend and get the majority following you and understanding where you come from.

I think it's often that people are jumping from trend to trend to trend and not being part of that or they are thinking that I'm too early with this and it doesn't make any difference. It's good to be early,  and utilize that in fine tuning what the message is, but also figuring out for yourself what you are truly about and what you want to reflect in this world.


111 - When you explore people differently things happen


109 - Be who you want to be