Unlocking Innovation: Insights, Milestones, and Leadership Wisdom


Welcome to our latest journey through Human Innovation News, where each story, insight, and shared experience is a step towards unlocking our collective potential.

In this edition, we delve into the art of nurturing innovation within teams, celebrate personal milestones, and share wisdom that transcends the conventional.

As we navigate these news together, let's embrace the curiosity that drives us, the courage to lead with authenticity, and the creativity that binds us.

Here's to discovering the paths that will shape our tomorrow.


🔖 Blog Highlight:

Article: How do I train team members to innovate?

Summary: Training for innovation involves fostering a culture shift, setting clear visions, tailoring approaches to individual and departmental needs, and emphasizing leadership's role in empowering creativity and collaboration for organizational growth.

Link: Click to read the full article


📱 Social Media Highlight:

LinkedIn: My first ever real YouTube Video

Summary: I know you might think but you have +1000 videos on your youtube channel. Yes, but they are all from the podcast and other live Q&A's and discussions. I never did a YouTube Strategic Video. But now I did, learn more here.

Link: 🔑 Click to enjoy the post 👉 link


📽️ Video Highlight:

Video: How to Delegate Tasks as a First Time Manager

Summary: Learn how to effectively delegate tasks as a first-time manager. Discover when to delegate a task, how to delegate it to your team and how to manage your time effectively. Get ready to become a more efficient and successful leader!

Link: Click to watch video.👉 link


📘 Book Highlight:

Book: The One thing by Gary Keller

Summary:  Discover how "The ONE Thing" by Gary Keller transforms leadership and innovation with its powerful focus principle. Learn to prioritize for impact in our latest review. Perfect for leaders seeking clarity and results. Click to unlock your potential!

Link: Find out more 👉 link


🎙️ Podcast Highlights:


🎙️ The Jens Heitland Show - Human Innovation

Episode Title: Building Businesses, Overcoming Challenges, and Driving Success with Jason Skeesick

Summary: In this episode, we explore the fascinating journey of Jason Skeesick, a U.S. Army veteran, coach, and a passionate entrepreneur. Jason's remarkable story is one of resilience, adaptability, and unwavering dedication to his craft. 

Link: Click to tune in. 👉 link


🎙️ The Daily Hint Podcast

60 second hints into your ear, every morning 5am

Episode TitleThe Way we Think is the Way we Act

Summary: Discover how true alignment fosters authentic leadership and innovation.

Link: Click here to listen to the full episode   👉  link 


🗓️ Event Highlights:


📅 Next Event

Event: Live Panel Discussion at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona

When: Wednesday Feb. 28th | 15:30

Title: Scaling your Team and Skillsets

Where: Earth Stage


Innovative Leaders will Change the World



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The Art of Delegation for First-Time Managers


Unleashing Potential: This Week's Human Innovation News