To be successful with money it is about the intersection of mindset, habits and psychology

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I divide that by 12th, the total sum and put every month something on the side. So my buddy's always saying, yeah every February is like, I don't have money anymore because I need to pay this ridiculous house insurance. Yeah, that's so easy, just save it every month.

But that's just not in their normal way of doing. So I think this small tips will enable people to do things very easy. It's not complicated at all.

It's simple, but can be hard. If you have the habit, it's quote unquote easy, but in any event it's simple.

You take a amount of money, you divide it by 12, and then you put that in a savings account or just keep it in your whatever it is. Get it outta sight, outta mind. But the actual execution, building the habit, going and finding the information, right? Who logs into their online insurance platform, you just get billed and you're like, oh shit.

So that is where we're fighting against our habits and being aware and intentional. You can create an environment that makes better habits easier, which this intersection of money and habits and mindset and psychology is just so you know, I, obviously, I'm here, right?

I could talk about it all day.


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