Something every young person has to hear!

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Last night I went to hear Marley Matlin. I don't know why I'd say speak, because she's deaf, so she signs, and then she had somebody that was speaking on her behalf.

She was academy Award winner at 21. She just released last year, the year before the movie Coda, which is children of a deaf adults. And so I went to see her speak.

And what she said is she had a tremendous amount of challenges growing up. And her dad would always sign three letters to her. And I don't know, sign language, so I can't do it, but he would say T R Y, try. And I tell that to my younger son a lot.

He goes, dad, I can't do this. I said, just try, just try it. And maybe you can. So that's the advice I would give to that younger person. Just try it, and maybe it'll work. It might not work, and then try it again or try something different, but just try T R Y.

 I in about, less than an hour could be home, sitting on a couch drinking something cold, and my legs in a day or so are not gonna hurt anymore. The pain will be gone. She was not voluntarily going through it. Her pain was gonna last a lot longer and she had no choice. And once I started thinking through that, I realized it's like, you know, Brian, you just need to stop whining and move, what you're going through

yeah it's hard. But you're voluntarily doing it and so how do you put things in perspective, can help you get through some of those more challenging times. 


Stretching your team to excellence the elastic band metaphor for beating burnout


Putting things into perspective will give you the ability to go through the more challenging times.