Science explains why managers jump into activities instead of leading through empowerment

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I had two conversations with anyone that I hired at Intel whether they came in new to the company or they came into a new position and the first conversation was, I don't want you working for me 18 to 24 months from now.

Today is the day to think about what's next. So I want you to take that mindset because ultimately my goal as a good leader is to develop you. 

And the second thing is you need to be thinking at the next level. I want you to be on day one. I want you, regardless of your title, I want you to be thinking about what would Kevin do, or what would that manager working with do?

What would they do? How would they respond to that? And if you don't know that's your trigger to learn. So I want you to take a leadership stance. You may not have the position. It might be, just process engineer or design engineer, or human resource professional, whatever it is, you need to take that perspective, and my goal is to have this continuous revolving door on my staffs where people were getting equivalent or most likely better jobs going out. And that's a servant leadership mindset. It's how do I as a leader help others develop so they add more value? 


444 Questions in a jar to travel the usa and sit down with strangers


The servant leadership mindset explained in 60 seconds