Recognize how powerful you are as a human

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 We have to understand that the way we perceive the world is unique to us. The rest of the world doesn't see the world the way that we do. And then when we can sit with and understand that we can understand why different people react to the world in different ways than we do.

And then we can sit with and get curious about why they react to the world in which they do, and we can begin to understand their perspective. Which expands our own perspective and changes the way that we can connect the world around us and makes us understand the difference between leadership and being power hungry or demanding or being authoritative.

Because people wanna follow a leader. They wanna follow a leader. Because they know they can trust you. That's the difference. A leader is trusted. People know they're safe with you. You've established that even when you mess up, even when you fuck up, because you do as a leader, like there has to be an understanding that as human beings, we constantly mess up.

That's just the reality. We're human.


You have to analyze what is a great investment.


Leaders have to own up their mistakes