Questions vs. Answers_ A Dinner Table Insight on the Power of Curiosity

In a recent episode of the "Innovation Breakfast Club" podcast, featuring Jens Heitland, Werner Puchert, Joshua Nuttall and Dennis Luijer, a particularly compelling discussion unfolded. At the heart of it was an intriguing question posed by Dennis, which he had previously presented to his children: "If you could have one of two maps - one with all the answers or one with all the questions - which would you choose?"

His children's response? The map with all the questions. Their rationale was astute and echoed a deeper sentiment about the nature of learning and curiosity. With answers, you might know the outcome but would lack context or the ability to delve deeper. However, with questions, the mind is actively engaged in seeking answers, leading to a richer understanding of the world.

This simple yet profound conversation holds a mirror up to the educational system. It pushes us to reflect on how we learn and what truly stimulates critical thinking. Are we, by giving students "maps" filled with answers, inadvertently stifling their curiosity and ability to think independently? Are we making them passengers on a journey where they could be explorers?

Dennis conversation is a timely reminder of the importance of fostering curiosity and a thirst for knowledge. It's not about having all the answers, but about the journey of finding them and the questions we ask along the way.


Check out the full Episode here.


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The Art of Asking: How Quality Questions Unlock the Power of Curiosity and Unexpected Insights