Learn things you are passionate about.

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 I had a passion for computers and I had a compassion for doing video production and promotion, those kind of things, completely unrelated to my job. But those are areas that I found my passion and I cultivated outside of work. Doing a lot of learning and understanding programming and video product, all of that.

And I didn't do it with the idea that I had to do this to switch jobs. I just knew that I wanted to be passionate about it. It was something new, other people weren't doing it, so I wanted to be able to do that and magically as uh, computers evolved and video evolved, the two merged together.

So it was digital, and by that time I had significantly more experience than anyone else. Because I was going after my passion. And I would say other people need to look at that it may be a hobby, it might be an interest. The thing is many people early on don't take that really long-term view.

And they think, my job doesn't need this, so I'm not gonna spend any time at it, or I'm gonna spend a minimal amount of time at it. It's like once you really get into it and you get into that zone you find that flow and high degree of engagement amazing things happen.

And quite often some of the things that are, quote, unrelated to your job, you can see the correlation.


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