I was multitasking as a mom entrepreneur

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That's quite a funny story. We were working with a business coach and, we had been talking about what our niche is gonna be, how do we help, for our CFO consulting, we were working with social entrepreneurs. We wanted to help people who were doing good, do better, right?

And do more good. And off the cuff, she was like, why don't you work with moms? And I will admit being a busy. Mom, I was multitasking and did not hear it the first time she said it.

And then fast forward a few days later we were talking strategy and it came up again and we talked about it. And that's when I just felt this emotional connection to everything in my life has changed. Every time I've had a child, I've refocused, I've reprioritized, I've gone through so much growth.

And to me, being able to support other women with children owning a business was just something that felt so obvious. I never knew what I wanted to do until. It was right there in front of me and seemed so obvious. And so that propelled us into working with moms, working with women.


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