Entrepreneur: Look at your life from a holistic perspective

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I think why my passion is working with entrepreneurs is that. They feel so alone. I know. I felt alone. Most of my friends were working for other people and they would complain about their bosses and I would side with their bosses and I don't know why it was hard for me to find other entrepreneurs to be friends with probably cuz we were all so busy.

I definitely joined a lot of entrepreneur organizations, but everyone is so focused and moving so fast that like the camaraderie sometimes isn't there. And so I would say that like finding someone, like a coach, a mentor, a therapist, a group of other entrepreneurs have some kind of support system for sure, that you can really bring a lot to the table, even your feelings about

your relationships and how you're feeling about certain things. Right? So that's definitely something. And then health being a very important aspect because that's always the easy thing that we could put off to the side. It's like, I can't put my kids off to the side. I can't put this meeting off to the side.

My wife will kill me if I put her off to the side again. So it's just gonna be me working out that's gonna go out the window. Those are the things is like look at your life from a holistic perspective and what are the aspects that need your support? And I will say that when I was deep in my entrepreneurial phase, spirituality or some type of just alone time, breath work, meditation definitely was not a factor in my life.

And ever since really bringing that in has been game changing in so many ways. And so I think that's another big reason why Microdosing works so well for people is that's one of the biggest things that they witnessed. That changes for them, that that becomes easier for them. And just that alone time with breath with yourself, that's when incredible ideas for your business can come up, or real stress relief can take place. And so yeah, I would say it's like taking a step back from your life and be like, what are the aspects that need to be optimized and need my attention? 


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