ChatGTP sets a very high bar

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They just announced they're going to roll out a premium version of teams powered by ChatGTP that will transcribe your teams meetings for you so you can go back and ask it:" What did Jens say"?

Or, "what was said in this?" Or you can translate it to another language, it will write up an email and intuitively do things based off of the text in the meeting. So that's happening, I think it's $7 or $10 a month that they're gonna roll that out.

You think about now if you're using something like this that, now later on you can go back, Ooh, I didn't remember what time that meeting was.

I need to figure out Jens asked me to do something, now you can go back instantly and get it. That sets the standard. If you're at a company that's using this, you don't wanna go back to using Zoom or something that doesn't have it, right? No chance.


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